
Site Development/Drainage Study Projects

BHE provides site improvement plans for commercial developers, industrial developers, and architects.

Our site development services will lead developers through the Municipal and State regulatory process, and develop site construction plans and drainage studies for new building and parking sites. We provide services for sites as small as a couple lots up to developments covering several acres.

BHE will handle the site development process from the initial concept to final municipal approval.

Site development Plans typically include the following:

  • Site Plans
  • Grading Plans
  • Utility Plans
  • Erosion Control Plans
  • Drainage/Stormwater Mitigation Plans
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

BHE also provides drainage studies that are the basis for on-site stormwater detention facilities and drainage improvements. We also provide floodplain and floodway modeling and permitting for sites that are developed within the regulated floodplain.

There are currently no projects in this category.